Case study: OpenUK
State of Open: The UK in 2023
2022: A Year in Review
Following on from 2021 and 2022 State of Open Reports published by OpenUK in collaboration with Symmetry, the report sets out ot assess the state of open source software in the UK in 2023.
Exploring the economic, social, and technological contributions using a combination of literature review and GitHub data, the report provides insights into the open source software community's growth.
The report underscores the UK's leadership in open source software - hitting 3 million GithHub accounts, solidifying its place as number one in Europe. With 4.5% of its population holding GitHub accounts, this is more per capita than any country in the world. Open technologies drive innovation, but sustainability and security challenges demand attention.
Collaboration between governments, corporations, and communities is essential to maintaining the integrity of open source software and fostering a global digital economy.