AI Solutions
Case study: Vespa Capital

Using AI for High Impact at Low Risk

Helping Vespa Capital organisations transition to AI Enablement.

Vespa is a private equity business with investments across a wide range of businesses. The engagement with Symmetry helped them explore what AI tools could do for them and to identify where it could have the greatest impact for the lowest risk.


  • Step 1: A workshop that enabled them to understand the opportunities, risks and industries within their industry and to deepen their understanding of Generative AI as a technology and the feasibility of using to tackle identified issues

  • Step 2: Develop a handful of use cases and identify the areas in which they can achieve maximum benefit for the lowest risk

  • Step 3: Take selected use cases through the first stages of Symmetry’s unique AI factory to demo what is possible

  • Step 4: Final report summarising what they have learnt - including use case prioritisations and backlog as well as the technology and tools they can leverage

“The companies we are involved with are at different stages when it comes to AI adoption. The Symmetry approach enabled them to develop personalised, value focused adoption tracks - building a roadmap that could help them become not just more efficient, but more effective.”

Vespa Capital

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